Doctors’ library is located on the first floor of Jinnah Hospital. It has a seating capacity for about 70 people. This library is well known among doctors especially those who are preparing for their postgraduate exams. It was brought to the notice of AIMCAANA that this library has not been renovated for many years. The condition of the library was very bad. AIMCAANA in collaboration with Principal AIMC, Dr. Javed Akram proposed to renovate the library. Mr. Aslam Khan of Citizens Committee was given the responsibility of renovating the library.
The renovation was completed in record period of 2 weeks and included replacement of carpet, new vacuum cleaner, new chair, lights and air conditioner. Several Iqbalians participated in the fund raising campaign for uplifting of the library. A total of PKR: 200,000 were spent to renovate the library. Once again, without the help of citizens committee, this project would not have been completed.